Indian Coconut Shell Exporter
Coconut shells are naturally strong, able to contain the suet and endure the birds’ claws. The rough brown, husky shells also blend in with their natural surroundings, wherever you hang them in the garden. Coconut bird feeders are also environmentally friendly; by taking a 100% biodegradable by-product and turning it into a low cost bird feeder, we have created a quick, clean and simple way of feeding a multitude of birds.
Coconut shells are eco-friendly and readily available. Artists reuse these shells by processing them. Shells are used as a container for bird seeds. They are scrapped, polished, and the ready-to-use seed bars put into them. A rope loop is attached to the shell to hang it outdoors. A natural bird feeder attracts birds to eat seeds. Ziffe provides employment opportunities to women artist utilizing their leisure time and full time.